Charlotte protesters keep marching after police release shooting video

Videos show black man being shot but do not conclusively show if he had a gun

Following days of demonstrations at which protesters demanded that authorities allow the public to see clips of the fatal shooting of Keith Scott, Charlotte Police have acquiesced. Video: Reuters

Nearly a week of protests over the police killing of a black man in Charlotte, North Carolina showed no signs of abating yesterday, after police released videos showing Keith Scott (43) being shot but did not answer the question of whether he had a gun.

Police released two videos on Saturday showing the fatal shooting of Mr Scott.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police chief Kerr Putney acknowledged that the videos themselves were "insufficient" to prove that Scott held a gun, but said other evidence completed the picture. – (Reuters)

Clergy pray with protesters outside the Charlotte police department on Sunday. Photograph: Jeff Siner/The Charlotte Observer via AP