US says claims it supported Islamic State ‘ludicrous’

Tayyip Erdogan says he has evidence US forces supported terrorist organistaions

Tayyip Erdogan: ‘We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos.’ Photograph: Murad Sezer/Reuters

Turkish president Tayyip Erdogan said he has evidence that US-led coalition forces give support to terrorist groups including the Islamic State and Kurdish militant groups YPG and PYD, he said on Tuesday.

"They were accusing us of supporting Daesh (Islamic State)," he told a press conference in Ankara.

“Now they give support to terrorist groups including Daesh (another name for Islamic State), YPG, PYD. It’s very clear. We have confirmed evidence, with pictures, photos and videos,” he said.

However the US State Department on rejected as "ludicrous" the accusations by Mr Erdogan.


State Department spokesman Mark Toner there was no was basis for such an accusation.