US vice-president Mike Pence signals space force strategy

Recruitment of space cadets not yet on agenda – but corps needed to ensure dominance

Mike Pence: While space was once peaceful and uncontested, it is now crowded and adversarial.

US vice-president Mike Pence has announced plans for a new, separate American space force as a sixth military service by 2020.

Mr Pence said the service is needed to ensure America’s dominance in space amid heightened threats from China and Russia.

He added that while space was once peaceful and uncontested, it is now crowded and adversarial.

US Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis endorsed plans to reorganise the military’s space fighting forces . Photograph: EPA

President Donald Trump has called for a “separate but equal” space force.


American defence secretary Jim Mattis endorsed plans to reorganise the military’s space fighting forces and create a new command, but has previously opposed launching an expensive separate new service.

Any proposal to create a new service would require congressional action. – PA