White House restores CNN reporter’s press credentials

Trump administration backs down in dispute over Jim Acosta’s questioning of president

During a press conference to discuss the mid-term election results, US president Donald Trump argued with CNN reporter Jim Acosta. Video: The White House

The White House on Monday said it had made a final decision to restore press credentials for CNN reporter Jim Acosta, ending a court fight, the network said.

The decision came three days after a judge in Washington ordered the Trump administration to temporarily restore the journalist’s press pass, which was revoked after a contentious news conference with the president.

The decision reverses a Friday letter by the White House that said Acosta’s press pass could be revoked again right after the judge’s temporary order expired.

At the contentious news conference a day after the Republicans lost their majority in the US House of Representatives, Mr Trump erupted into anger when Acosta questioned him about the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election and a migrant caravan travelling through Mexico. – Reuters