Zanu-PF condemns Tsvangirai summit absence

President Robert Mugabe's ruling Zanu-PF today accused opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai of stalling on a power-sharing deal…

President Robert Mugabe's ruling Zanu-PF today accused opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai of stalling on a power-sharing deal after he refused to attend an emergency summit in Swaziland aimed at rescuing the pact.

Yesterday's meeting, called by the 15-nation Southern African Development Community (SADC) southern African regional body to try end an impasse in talks on forming a joint cabinet, was postponed until October 27th after Mr Tsvangirai refused to go until he is issued a new passport.

"Tsvangirai's failure to come to Swaziland seems to us to reflect his own reluctance or hesitancy to finalise and conclude discussions on the formation of an inclusive government," Patrick Chinamasa, Zanu-PF chief negotiator, told the state-owned Heraldnewspaper.

Mr Mugabe and Mr Tsvangirai have clashed over control of key ministries, and weeks of face-to-face talks have failed to break the deadlock, raising fears a power-sharing deal signed over a month ago could collapse and plunge Zimbabwe's economy deeper into crisis.


Mr Tsvangirai, who has not been issued with a new passport since filling up his old one months ago, was given a temporary emergency document for the Swaziland trip but refused to use it.

The SADC meeting will now take place in Harare.

In an editorial, the Heraldurged Mr Mugabe to form a cabinet without Tsvangirai, adding that the opposition Movement for Democratic Change leader should renounce Western sanctions before being issued a new passport.

The MDC said in a statement on Tuesday Mr Tsvangirai would address "report back" rallies in Zimbabwe over the weekend to update supporters on developments since the deal was signed.

Mr Tsvangirai has accused Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF, which lost a parliamentary election in March, of trying to seize the most important ministries and relegate the MDC to the role of junior partner in a new government.

The MDC leader beat Mr Mugabe in a presidential election on March 29th but with too few votes to avoid a June run-off, which was won by Mr Mugabe unopposed after Mr Tsvangirai pulled out, saying his supporters had been subjected to violence and intimidation.
