Zimbabwe court orders release MP

Zimbabwe's High Court today ordered police to release an opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) member of parliament…

Zimbabwe's High Court today ordered police to release an opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) member of parliament, who was arrested yesterday for the second time in a week.

Eric Matinenga was initially arrested on June 1st on charges of inciting public violence in his constituency, but was released on Thursday after a magistrate dropped the charges and said he had been wrongly charged.

He was detained for a second time yesterday morning.

Mr Matinenga's arrests come amid accusations by the opposition that President Robert Mugabe's government is trying to sabotage MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai's campaign ahead of a June 27 run-off presidential election.


The second round vote follows a disputed March poll which showed Tsvangirai beat Mugabe, but not by enough votes to avoid a run-off.

"The MDC welcomes the judgement as the only logical thing to do as Advocate Matinenga is a fine son of Zimbabwe, whose quest for the freedom of the people of Zimbabwe is unquestionable," the party said in a statement.

Six MDC lawmakers have been arrested for various offences since the March 29th poll.

The opposition, rights groups and opposition members accuse veteran leader Mr Mugabe's ruling ZANU-PF party of trying to rig the election by intimidating voters, undermining the MDC and thwarting its campaign efforts.