Zimbabwe parties far from deal - MDC

Zimbabwe's rival parties are still far away from implementing a power-sharing deal, the opposition MDC said today, as some regional…

Zimbabwe's rival parties are still far away from implementing a power-sharing deal, the opposition MDC said today, as some regional leaders prepared to hold a summit aimed at breaking the deadlock.

"We are still miles, miles, miles behind in terms of the implementation of the deal," MDC spokesman Nelson Chamisa told South Africa's SAfm radio.

Mr Chamisa added that Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) had no choice but to remain cautiously optimistic despite the hurdles.

He was speaking a day before some heads of state from the regional grouping SADC were due to meet in Swaziland to try to help Zimbabwe's ruling ZANU PF and opposition agree on cabinet posts after four days of inconclusive talks which ended on Friday.

The power-sharing deal, mediated by former South African president Thabo Mbeki, is seen as Zimbabwe's best hope for rescuing an economy where fuel and food are scarce and inflation stands at 231 million per cent, the world's highest.

State leaders who form the Southern African Development Community's defence and security body are expected to hold talks on the stalemate in Swaziland's capital Mbabane tomorrow.

President Mugabe, Mr Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara, head of the smaller MDC faction, will take part in the three-way meeting of Angola, Mozambique and Swaziland.

South African president Kgalema Motlanthe will lead a delegation to Swaziland, the Foreign Ministry said. Mbeki is expected to brief the meeting on efforts to form a new government in Zimbabwe, it added in a statement.

Mr Tsvangirai threatened to pull out of talks a week ago after Mr Mugabe allocated powerful ministries such as defence, finance and home affairs to his own party.

"People are suffering. There is no food. No jobs. No cash in the country. The country is almost on the edge of total collapse. We want to make sure we rescue the situation. This is why we remain cautiously optimistic," Chamisa said.

Mr Mbeki said on Friday a deal was still possible despite another round of inconclusive talks. However, his effectiveness has been thrown into doubt since South Africa's ruling ANC party forced him to resign.

The MDC has accused him of favouring Mr Mugabe, an issue that Mr Chamisa raised again.

"I suppose that Mbeki seems to be more inclined to appreciate the circumstances from the ZANU-PF point of view than from the MDC point of view," he told SAfm.

"That is the situation and we are hoping that when we go to the troika our side is going to be heard."

Mr Tsvangirai beat Mr Mugabe in a March 29 presidential election but with too few votes to avoid a June run-off, which was won by Mr Mugabe unopposed after Mr Tsvangirai pulled out, citing violence and intimidation against his supporters.

Mr Mugabe's victory in the run-off was condemned around the world and prompted tougher sanctions from Western countries whose support is vital to revive Zimbabwe's ruined economy.
