Zimbabwe talks extend beyond deadline

ZIMBABWE: POWER-SHARING TALKS in Zimbabwe were likely to extend beyond last night's deadline to give negotiators time to come…

ZIMBABWE:POWER-SHARING TALKS in Zimbabwe were likely to extend beyond last night's deadline to give negotiators time to come to an agreement, according to a spokesman for South African president Thabo Mbeki, the main mediator.

When the memorandum of understanding that paved the way to the negotiations was signed by President Robert Mugabe and opposition leaders Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara on July 21st, it was agreed the Pretoria-based talks would not take longer than two weeks.

However, spokesman for the presidency Mukoni Ratshitanga said an adjournment for five days last week, when negotiators conferred with their leaders, meant discussions would likely continue for another few days.

"The talks were on today [ Monday] after they resumed on Sunday," he said.


"We should take note of the fact that the parties took five days off last week to discuss with their principals. So, logically there is no way they will meet their original deadline."

Both Mr Mugabe's Zanu-PF party and Mr Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) agreed to the talks, which it is hoped will bring an end to the political crisis that has brought the country to a standstill since the disputed March 29th general election.

Mr Tsvangirai won the presidential poll but not by a majority. In the run-up to the subsequent two-way run-off on June 27th, the MDC leader pulled out because of widespread state-sponsored violence that claimed the lives of at least 120 opposition supporters.

The reconvening of talks came just hours after a bomb exploded at Harare's main police station on Saturday night, damaging 13 offices and a kitchen.

Despite the damage there were no injuries, according to police.

"We are not going to speculate or jump to conclusions until we have gathered all the evidence," national police spokesman Wayne Bvudzijena said in relation to whether there were any suspects.