Bishops reaching out for development of the faith

Rite and Reason: It may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for most Irish Catholics as they are consulted by the bishops on…

Rite and Reason: It may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for most Irish Catholics as they are consulted by the bishops on the faith, writes Rev Dr Gareth Byrne.

The Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference has identified faith development for all members of the Catholic Church, adults as well as young people, as a crucial area for discussion, dialogue, reflection and action over the next 10 years.

The National Catechetical Office chose the Feast of Pentecost, 15th May, 2005, as the day on which to launch an invitation from the Bishops' Conference for submissions to a nationwide consultation, entitled "Dialogue in Faith", designed to inform the writing of the first Irish National Directory for Catechesis .

Filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, the apostles came out from the place where they had been reflecting and praying with Mary, and went about telling everyone of Jesus. They spoke about how he had changed their lives and they shared all that he had taught them (see Acts of the Apostles 2).


They were no longer afraid.

The Spirit had gifted them with understanding and courage. Wherever they went they knew, now, that Jesus would be with them. The Holy Spirit of God would breathe life into their efforts, producing fruit beyond their imagining. Now, surprisingly, was the time for action, for a new way of living, for being love in the world.

The General Directory for Catechesis, issued in Rome in 1997, invites the church, locally, throughout the world, to look again in our time at how it can use best practice to proclaim joyfully the Gospel - "the good news" of Jesus Christ. Catechesis - the process of deepening personal faith within and with the support of the Christian community - should be recognised as an ongoing day-to-day concern for all Catholics.

Adult members of the church find themselves continually called upon to learn about, reflect on, grow into and witness to their faith. This is what leads them to initiate their young people into a faith they have discovered is precious to them - the awareness of God's profound love for them as the basis upon they live their lives.

The "Dialogue in Faith" consultation, launched under the auspices of the Episcopal Commission for Catechetics, is an opportunity for reflection on what it means to embrace, rejoice in, share and pass on faith to others today.

Contributions will inform the writing of an Irish National Directory for Catechesis which will seek to encourage initiatives taking place in faith formation and ongoing faith development across the country.

The directory will set out to acknowledge and utilise the gifts of all the faithful as its fundamental resource. It will consider new structures, ask for renewed commitment and seek out new ways of supporting catechesis in the home, in parishes, schools, dioceses and at a national level.

The hope then is to create a new Pentecost, as it were, in our time: a moment when, under the guidance of God's Holy Spirit, we find the courage to humbly proclaim Jesus Christ, witnessing, by our words and actions, to the influence of Christ's loving presence in our lives; a moment to reach out to those who may welcome an invitation to belong, or to belong more fully to the Christian community.

The wisdom of the members of the Catholic Church, parents and grandparents, priests, religious, teachers, bishops, concerned adults and enthusiastic young people, can drive forward a new evangelisation deep within the hearts of Irish Catholics, convinced of the power of the Spirit of Love to lead the way forward.

Those who have particular gifts and experience in teaching, in strategy, in organisational management, for example, are asked to become involved in this reflection. All those who would like to see the Catholic Church focused clearly on her core mission of bringing the healing and reconciling love of Christ, crucified and risen from the dead, to the world, are invited to take up the responsibility of supporting the work of catechesis.

This is perhaps a once in a life-time opportunity to learn from each other how we can best share our faith and contribute to a new sense of peace and deep-seated joy for all.

"Do not be afraid" Pope John Paul II proclaimed, in words and in deeds, from the first moment of his pontificate, echoing the counsel offered by the Angel Gabriel to Mary as she said "yes" to God (see Luke 1:30). Practical suggestions, targeted at specific areas of interest by those making submissions, are being requested at , the new website of the National Catechetical Office.

Alternatively, submissions of no more that 500 words can be sent directly to Rev Dr Gareth Byrne, Columba Centre, Maynooth, Co Kildare before 10th June 2005.

Rev Dr Gareth Byrne has been seconded by the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference to oversee production of an Irish National Directory for Catechesis. He lectures in Religious Education at the Mater Dei Institute of Education. His most recent publication is Religious Education Renewed (Veritas, 2005)