Corrections & Clarifications

An item in the PriceWatch page in yesterday’s edition, concerning value for money on tuna, made reference to the Spanish “stealing…

An item in the PriceWatch page in yesterday’s edition, concerning value for money on tuna, made reference to the Spanish “stealing” Irish tuna. No Spanish fishermen have been charged with illegal fishing of tuna in Irish waters.

In an article in the edition of May 6th, concerning United Drug plc, it was stated that the HSE had reduced patients’ entitlements by 15 per cent. The HSE did not reduce entitlements but rather it cut the price of drugs by 15 per cent.

An article in the edition of April 29th, concerning a strike at the Harristown depot of Dublin Bus, said that the dispute began after a driver who is a member of the Bus Workers’ Action Group was suspended. The National Bus and Rail Union has pointed out that the driver is not a member of the action group.