The Irish Times view on CAO offers: many routes to success

Those at the beginning of their life-long career journey need to reflect on their goal in making their academic or occupational choices this year

Limerick Tutorial College Leaving Cert students Prathickshah Arunagiri, Rachael Lenihan, Evie Curtin and Joylin Jojo receiving their results. Photograph: Keith Wiseman

Notwithstanding the gathering Brexit storm clouds and growing nervousness in the markets, the Irish economy remains strong , and consequently the career prospects of our current cohort of school leavers and third-level graduates have never been better. Many of those who are still unsure about the next step to take on their career path need to be mindful of the growing diversity of educational and occupational choices available.

Those who did not receive the offer of a top-preference course through the CAO may be tempted to accept any level-eight (honours degree) programme offered. This could be a big mistake which could lead to them dropping out of college before the end of the academic year.

Those at the beginning of their life-long career journey need to reflect on their goal in making their academic or occupational choices this year.

If a CAO applicant didn’t secure an offer for one of their chosen courses, have they received a certificate or ordinary degree offer, which will allow them to transfer to their preferred course in a year or so?


Solas is currently rapidly expanding the range of apprenticeships on offer

Alternatively, are there Further Education (FE) options available locally which will offer the opportunity to apply for a preferred level eight programme through the CAO in the coming year? Many universities and ITs now offer up to 10 per cent of their places to FE graduates.

Furthermore, Solas is currently rapidly expanding the range of apprenticeships on offer in sectors as diverse as biopharma, electrical, engineering, accounting, insurance, finance, ICT, logistics, hospitality and food or property services, alongside the traditional motor and construction sectors .

This evening and again tomorrow, Leaving Cert students have a chance to review their exam papers in school (or online in the case of maths, physics, chemistry, biology, politics and LCVP).They may then decide to apply for a re-marking of one or more papers up to 5pm on Thursday, August 22nd. About 20 per cent of reviewed papers, typically, get upgraded.