Germany's contribution to EU

Sir, - Kevin Myers's anti-German fixation (December 8th), ignores historical facts

Sir, - Kevin Myers's anti-German fixation (December 8th), ignores historical facts. Perhaps a little reading on dull terms like cohesion, subsidiarity, structural funding, etc., might be helpful. Much of our (and Europe's) prosperity and improved infrastructure is due to the vision and enlightened generosity of modern German taxpayers and governments. Their hard work in the chaotic post-war years enabled them to do it; their intelligent grasp of economics made them see it as good for Europe and for themselves. No people in Europe have changed more than the Germans - and we have good reason to be thankful.

Like his idea that UN officials are responsible for peacekeeping mandates, his fantasy that Germany "wanted us to pay for German unification" will hardly stand examination. He queries if our troops will "find themselves in a foxhole in Bulgaria because of the requirements of German foreign policy?".

Pass over the interesting battalion-sized foxhole and the fact that Bulgaria is regarded as a model for its efforts to meet EU requirements. Consider the ecstasy if our troops were deployed in support of British foreign policy (under a British Conservative Government, of course).

Mr Myers's talents and column inches could surely be more constructively employed. Daily Telegraph levels of anti-Europeanism are sometimes amusing, but rarely sensible. - Yours etc.,


E.D. Doyle, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.