Deaths on the roads

Urgent measures must be taken

Sir, – I think the “slow down day” last Thursday initiative was well-intentioned but appears to have created a calm before the storm mentality, given the number of road casualties since then.

Perhaps these “day” initiatives need to be revisited and maybe a more consistent level of enforcement should be applied, to help keep us drivers safe every day.

– Yours, etc,




Co Westmeath.

Sir, – Sadly the past weekend has left many homes in mourning and our sympathy goes out to them. We have been quick to condemn the US for lack of action on firearm deaths, perhaps closer to home we need to pass much stiffer legislation on dangerous and careless driving.

In particular zero alcohol when driving. Mandatory 10-year ban for drink/driving. Driving lessons for students at senior level. Repeat tests for all drivers after 10 years with particular emphasis on motorways, courtesy and alert driving.

We seem to have a lot to learn about our responsible use of the roads.

I hope that in time “slower” will become acceptable.

– Yours, etc,

