Sir, – Many of us in the Archdiocese of Dublin had expressed scepticism about the integrity of the synodal consultation especially whether the genuine concerns of the participating 10,500 parishioners would be minimised and watered-down during the collation process .
The published main findings (“Treatment of women in Catholic church is ‘source of anger’ in Dublin parishes”, News, June 7th) represent a volte face in the traditional negative response of the institutional Catholic Church to the necessity for change .
The church has finally faced up to the stark reality that its traditional way of church has become irrelevant, not only to the younger generation but equally to its present grey-haired, dwindling congregations whose voices demanding equality and inclusivity have finally been validated.
The Archbisop of Dublin, Dermot Farrell, should ensure that these Irish Catholic voices when they reach Rome will not be snuffed out by the reactionary Vatican authorities before they reach Pope Francis and the world Synod of Bishops in 2023.
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– Yours, etc,
Dublin 9.