Sir, – In answer to Eugene Tannam’s question (Letters, July 4th), I too have noticed the reduction in the sizes of consumer goods.
I recently purchased a packet of ham and the slices were so thin that there was only one side on them. – Yours, etc,
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We built a bungalow on what was initially a boggy patch in my parents’ sloped front garden in Kerry
Co Wicklow.
Sir, – Eugene Tannam (July 4th) is spot on about the reduction in size and fruit, etc, of many so-called cakes sold in cafes and coffee shops. Recently I had to do a double take when I was given a minuscule peanut butter confection (¤3.50), which reminded me of the old Oxo cube. Other cakes seem to be baked with self-unraising flour, reducing in size while the cost inversely blossoms exponentially.
Is there no end to this currant crisis? – Yours, etc,
Dún Laoghaire,
Co Dublin.