VAT and the inflation crisis

Give us a break

Sir, – I met a friend at the weekend who drives some 35km each way to work who told me his fuel and parking costs per month have risen from €200 to €350 (his late working hours in the hospitality industry rule out public transport). He does not expect his employer to reimburse the difference, and is looking for work closer to home.

On Monday, I bought 28.05 litres of diesel for €60, including €11.22 VAT. On July 24th of last year, 50.04 litres cost me €71.00, including €13.28 VAT. In other words, aside from the increase in the base price of fuels we are currently experiencing, we are now paying 40 cent VAT per litre of diesel compared to 26.5 cent per litre a year ago.

This increase in VAT charges alone is being fed into the price of every loaf of bread and every carton of milk being bought by every struggling family in the land. It cannot be helping to slow spiralling inflation. – Yours, etc,


