No confidence motion

A numbers game

Sir, – Now that it appears that the Government has the requisite numbers to defeat the vote of no confidence called by Sinn Féin, it is amusing to watch the Independent Dáil deputies falling over themselves to tell the nation that they will be voting no confidence in the Government.

They can have their cake and eat it. They may gain popular acclaim and, perhaps, some transfers from the main Opposition party. They can also be confident that they can take the annual August break. This can even be labelled “integrity”. – Yours, etc,




Co Tipperary.

Sir, – In the interests of balance and fair play, I think that if Opposition parliamentary parties can propose a motion of no confidence in the Government, then the Government should be able to propose a motion of no confidence in the Opposition. Of course whether it is in their interest to do so is an entirely different matter. – Yours, etc,



Co Mayo.