Sir, – Colm Barrington (Letters, July 26th) writes that range anxiety is still a problem for him after three years of electric car ownership, and he states that it is a major deterrent to others who might purchase an electric car. Since most of us drive a very long journey only a handful of times in a year, why don’t motor dealers, when selling electric cars, build into the deal an arrangement whereby a petrol or diesel car could be rented for a few days at an agreed, reasonable rate on those occasions when a long journey is necessary? – Yours, etc,
Co Waterford.
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We built a bungalow on what was initially a boggy patch in my parents’ sloped front garden in Kerry
Sir, – To ease the anxiety when setting out on a cross-country journey, a solution perhaps is to have an extra long extension lead? – Yours, etc,
Dublin 9.