Michael Collins – the archival evidence

An antidote to conspiracy theories

Sir, – While unlikely to satisfy those who seek solace in century-old conspiracy theories regarding the death (not by the way the “assassination” or even “murder”) of Michael Collins, those interested should be aware that there exists a contemporary account of the ambush, from those who took part in it. A report by the officer in charge of ambush party was forwarded to the Anti-Treaty IRA leadership in the aftermath of the engagement. It is contained in the Maurice Twomey Papers at University College Dublin Archives and has been accessible to researchers since 1998. The IRA’s account is remarkably straightforward and matter of fact about the gun battle and perhaps because of this appears to be of little interest to those hoping for evidence of deeper intrigue. However, it is important that people be at least aware of its existence. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.