The cut and Truss of politics

The media consensus

Sir, – In recent weeks, Kathy Sheridan has written three separate columns attacking Liz Truss, the front runner for the Conservative Party leadership. In her latest piece, she accuses Ms Truss of “childish ignorance and fully formed idiocy” (Opinion & Analysis, August 24th).

If a male columnist made such regular and sustained attacks on a left-wing female politician, Ms Sheridan would lead the cries of outrage about their misogyny. But yet again, when a female politician dares to hold views which are on the right of the spectrum, or dissents from the media consensus, it’s open season to attack them.

Ms Sheridan accuses Ms Truss of “sticking her finger in the air” and “checking which way the wind is blowing” in order to further her own career. This ignores the fact that Ms Truss is one of just three people who have been appointed to cabinet by three successive prime ministers, David Cameron, Theresa May, and Boris Johnson. Has Ms Sheridan stopped to consider that perhaps this may be as a result of her talents, and not just toadyism and sycophancy? – Yours, etc,




Co Roscommon.