Housing crisis – Government is in denial

Time to face reality

Sir, – When Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien was on RTÉ radio, he was asked how many affordable and cost-rental homes had been built. He said he would not answer the question until the end of the year when the figures would be complete. The target is 4,100 such homes. To date, 157 have been completed.

It’s no wonder he would not answer the question. He won’t have to if there is a Cabinet reshuffle. – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

A chara, – Although our Government is still in denial, it seems the word is spreading that there is a huge issue with affordable accommodation in Ireland. Even the French embassy is warning their citizens of Ireland’s “severe housing crisis” (News, September 16th). It’s sad to think that a lot of these nonplussed Government Ministers have been in power since 2011. To put it into perspective, Giovanni Trappatoni was in charge of the Irish football team in 2011.

Maybe we could get money from our parents, as Leo Varadkar advised, or maybe go for the trendy co-living championed by former minister Eoghan Murphy.

Somehow the clueless housing policy of this Government limps on. – Yours, etc,


Mount Merrion,

Co Dublin.