Alfred Hitchcock and Juno and the Paycock

Molly and Sara Allgood

Sir, – It was good to be reminded of Abbey actress Molly Allgood by Brian Maye’s excellent Irishman’s Diary (November 7th) on the 70th anniversary of her death. Brian mentions her appearance as Maisie Madigan in Alfred Hitchcock’s version of Juno and the Paycock (1930). This film provides a rare opportunity to see Molly acting opposite her sister, Sara Allgood, as the iconic Juno. Molly had left the Abbey many years before her sister played Juno onstage in 1924. But she appeared opposite Sara in a London production of 1925. Hitchcock saw this and decided to adapt and direct the film version in 1930, retaining the two Irish actresses from the London production. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.