Sir, – As the Leaving Cert and Junior Cert exams draw to a close, I want to commend all the remarkable teenagers who faced these challenges with courage and bravery.
They have put in the hard work, attended classes diligently, completed their school assignments, and honed their study skills and time management. Throughout these exams, their resilience was truly tested.
Take pride in your accomplishments, knowing that while these exams do not define you, they undoubtedly pushed you to your limits as a human being.
Now, as the summer months unfold, it is important to find moments of relaxation and fun, while keeping your health and safety in mind. For Junior Cert students, the path ahead leads to transition year or fifth year, both of which hold new opportunities and experiences. Sixth-year students, on the other hand, stand at the threshold of exciting new horizons, whether it be pursuing a career in trades or choosing a college or university course. This phase of your life is filled with promise and excitement.
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Remember, each of you is unique and possesses your own individual talents and gifts.
You deserve nothing but the best as you navigate this next chapter in your journey. – Yours, etc,
Guidance Counsellor,
St Michael’s Loreto
Secondary School,
Co Meath.