A chara, – It appears that Ryan Tubridy is paying the price for the wooden horse build by RTÉ to win the funding war. – Is mise,
Co Dublin.
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Sir, – RTÉ has treated Ryan Tubridy despicably. He is a gentleman and will, I guarantee, rise again. I’m just sorry I paid my TV licence last week. – Yours, etc,
Co Dublin.
Sir, – We have daily reports of extreme violence in our city centre. We have missing children in State care. We also have a housing crisis, a migrant crisis and a war in Europe. Why on earth is the story of an excessively compensated presenter still making the front page? In summary, willing enablers overpaid an over-hyped media personality and exposure has led to predictable fallout. Can we please move on to actual news? – Is mise,
Dublin 8.
Sir, – A total of 650 people temporarily laid off at Tara Mines, 890 people made redundant at Accenture, and one man loses his job at RTÉ. – Yours, etc,
Co Dublin.
Sir, – My TV licence was due, and paid, before the Ryan Tubridy affair became public. Now it appears that in the aftermath of that affair, the broadcaster will be going to the Government for extra funding to make up the shortfall in revenue as a result of the fallout. This means that, as a taxpayer, I will be paying for RTÉ's excesses twice! – Yours, etc,
Co Dublin.
Sir, – I am now sick and tired of the Tubridy business.
Please move on and give us the entertainment we expect and enjoy from our national broadcaster.
Radio is doing well and I am enjoying the present schedule.
Let Kevin Bakhurst get on with his difficult role. There are other problems to be sorted at Montrose. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 14.
A chara, – My RTÉ licence fee fell due at the end of last month and I have not renewed it yet.
While I was pretty unhappy with the failures of RTÉ senior management and cannot for a moment see that a light entertainment broadcaster in a small country was worth more than €500,000 a year, that is not the reason I am dragging my feet.
I believe that successive governments have been dragging their feet for decades now around putting an alternative funding system in place to bring RTÉ into a secure future. There is a deal of good journalism and broadcasting that RTÉ produce on a daily basis and this deserves to be properly underpinned by public funding.
I’m not paying the fee at present as a protest at Government failures in the hope that it will help to force it to finally fund RTE properly. – Is mise,
Dublin 12.