Defence policy in a changing world

Ways and means

Sir, – With the continuing deteriorating security situation in the Middle East, the evacuation of Irish citizens and possibly members of the Defence Forces deployed in the region is becoming more of a probability as the days go by. Unfortunately, with no capability to airlift our citizens or Defence Forces, we are once again undoubtedly dependent on the kindness of others to assist us. With the delivery of a new Casa transport aircraft some time in 2025 we will have a very limited capability, but insufficient to cover events such as this. The much-vaunted but still not ordered multirole vessel for the Naval Service would also give us options in circumstances such as this. If the Government is prepared to deploy Defence Force personnel overseas, often into high-risk areas, then they should provide the means to extract them if necessary. Simply depending on the kindness of others to extract your citizens or defence personnel is hardly a robust or strategically creditable solution. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.