Sir, – I found it interesting that in a piece decrying dehumanisation, Una Mullally took the time to reference “the cosplaying fascistic cartoon characters who call themselves Tories” (“Out of the horror of Gaza, a shared humanity is emerging”, Opinion & Analysis, November 21st).
Surely this is part of a pattern of the dehumanisation of people who have a different worldview to the one expressed by the author?
Whatever one thinks of their ideas, these people represent the interests and beliefs of a large cohort of the human race. In dehumanising their representatives, one also starts the process of dehumanising their adherents.
A shared humanity that cannot accommodate large groups of actual humans sounds like business as usual. – Yours, etc,
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Think you know when it’ll be time to tell Bundee Aki and Tadhg Furlong to step aside?
Co Kildare.
Sir, – There’s a shared humanity emerging all right.
Unfortunately, it’s on TikTok. – Yours, etc,
Co Dublin.