Israel’s assault on Gaza

Thousands of civilians killed

Sir, – Michael McDowell is correct when he observes that one “did not need to be clairvoyant” to know that Israel’s assault on Gaza would result in the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians, including many children (“Biden reputation for decency now seems hollow”, Opinion, December 20th).

Indeed, it is an important point that should not be forgotten.

Those political figures and governments who sprinted to Tel Aviv to show their support after the Hamas massacre on October 7th, and who trumpeted support for Israel’s “right to self-defence”, share a great deal of responsibility for what followed.

US president Joe Biden green-lighted the assault on Gaza, and then supplied much of the munitions. Britain and Germany and, of course, Ursula von der Leyen (allegedly speaking for “Europe”) were there, too.


The Irish Government also spoke in supportive terms of Israel’s “right to self-defence” and acquiesced initially within the EU to a position that asked for nothing more than “humanitarian pauses” in the slaughter.

It was clear to anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the Palestine/Israel conflict that “self-defence” for Israel has invariably meant collective punishment and the deaths of many Palestinians.

Let us hope that something has been learned.

Never again should Israel’s so-called “right to self-defence” be endorsed as if it behaves within the parameters of international humanitarian law. It does not. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – Michael Mc Dowell and Fintan O’Toole have contributed to insightful and intelligent analysis of what Israel is inflicting on the innocent population of Gaza.

US president Joe Biden’s concern for the level of civilian deaths in Gaza did not preclude him from providing additional munitions to Israel.

Ireland must call out the US administration on their blind allegiance to Israeli prime minister Binjamin Netanyahu and his fellow warmongers. – Yours, etc,



Co Mayo.