Subscriber OnlyLetters

Rural speed limits and road safety

Time for a rethink

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – I concur with Joan Reidy when she asks, “What are the Road Safety Authority and the county councils doing to stop the carnage?” (Letters, July 8th).

Rural roads on the east coast are similarly badly signed. Today I drove on a rural road which had a 60km/h speed limit which increased to an 80km/h limit just before a roundabout, another had 60km/h going one way but 80km/h on the same road’s return.

Motorways have a white centre line and yellow hard shoulder lines but very few narrow rural roads have either. More speed limit signs relevant to the rural road conditions at bad bends, etc, centre white lines and yellow verge lines would help greatly to keep all road users safer. – Yours, etc,



Brittas Bay,

Co Wicklow.