Subscriber OnlyLetters

Transport options for the new Dublin

We need greater ambition

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Where is the Luas to Poolbeg and Irishtown? The Glass Bottle development is progressing at great speed. Once completed, the development might end up housing close to 10,000 people.

But where is the Luas? Where are the cycle lanes? How will these 10,000 people get in and out of the city centre? The sustainable transport options must be ready and waiting before the first people move in. If not, they will quickly turn to the private car. We need to get moving on sustainable transport options in Dublin. We need greater ambition. We cannot continue to let the private car dominate our city. – Yours, etc,


Beggars Bush,


Dublin 4.