Subscriber OnlyLetters

Reforming Seanad Éireann

Hedging one’s bets

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Michael McDowell is correct in his analysis (“Without reform Seanad remains very imperfect”, Opinion & Analysis, June 17th). I am delighted to confirm that not every Labour Party member followed the then party’s leaders support for Seanad abolition. I was proud to both campaign and vote for its retention.

Senator McDowell listed many possible reforms that could and should be implemented. Not included was one reform that would change the Seanad for the better. That reform is to close nominations for the Seanad on the same day as polling day for the general election to the Dáil. No more would the Seanad be a creche or retirement home for those whose ambitions are merely to pass through on their way to the Dáil. – Yours, etc,





Dublin 4.