Subscriber OnlyLetters

Is this ejector seat taken?

Quiz conundrum

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Enjoying Donald Clarke’s Movie Quiz (August 25th), I was taken aback to discover I may be over the age for such pursuits.

On answering the question about James Bond’s car, I was told “Your Dad had the Corgi toy with the working ejector seat”.

There are Irish Times readers who are interested in film and old enough to have had that toy. My father bought me that car and its successors with added Q-inspired gadgets. The model baddie was ejected with gusto and he disappeared behind a chair or cupboard, requiring parental intervention. I was touched to find, on my mother’s death at 90, that she had kept a spare figure in a bedroom drawer. Sadly the car is long gone. – Yours, etc,



Spanish Point,

Co Clare.