Subscriber OnlyLetters

Canvassing voters in apartment blocks

It’s a foolish party that ignores us

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – As the rumours continue to swirl about the date of the next general election, may I please remind candidates that voters also live in apartment blocks?

I am 17 years in my present apartment, never once have I been canvassed for any election or referendum, nor have I heard anecdotal evidence of the same from my neighbours. This is true for other apartment dwellers I know all over Dublin. As a young renter in the city centre before becoming a homeowner, I was also never canvassed.

Views that all apartment dwellers are transient, students or otherwise disinterested in politics are outdated. Hundreds of thousands of people in Ireland live in multi-unit developments and most of them will vote.

It’s a foolish party that ignores us just because you have to try harder to get into the building.


As we are likely to have a winter election, remember too that you could be warm and dry while canvassing inside a multi-unit development! – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.