Subscriber OnlyLetters

President Higgins and the Planning Bill

Expressing concerns

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

Sir, – Dave Alvey (Letters, October 19th) asks why legal experts consider the action taken by President Michael D Higgins regarding the Planning Bill to be “very unusual” (“‘Very unusual’ for President to suggest concerns around Planning Bill without referring it to Supreme Court”, News, October 17th).

If the President considered the Bill to be unconstitutional, he should have referred it to the Supreme Court. That’s his job, as Roy Keane might point out.

If not, then he should have reined in his ego a bit and refrained from issuing a commentary on the matter.

Mr Higgins is not a legal expert, yet he appears to relish the limelight on this matter, and on so many others. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.