A brighter future

Sir, – Every Irish citizen should be given a voucher for a winter sun holiday to the value of €500 with the holiday being taken in January or February of each year. Think of the advantages. Those suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) would get a dose of sun and vitamin D in the darkest and dreariest months. Post-Christmas blues would be banished, and the nation’s mood would be lifted. There would be increased business for the airlines in a traditionally quiet time. If we sent all at-risk people to the southern hemisphere during the northern hemisphere’s flu season, they might avoid the flu altogether. Any of those who get sick while on holiday would be treated in foreign hospitals. With a sizeable proportion of the population somewhere else, pressure would undoubtedly be taken off the Irish health services.

In addition, a new law should be passed whereby employees are entitled to a day off each time the sun shines. Time could be recovered by the employee working on rainy weekends. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.