A Monty Python moment (or two)

Madam, – Am I alone in my confusion? I read in your esteemed newspaper (Finance, September 17th) that “the Taoiseach said his administration has the confidence and trust of the European authorities to see Ireland through the economic crisis”. The term “economic crisis” is, of course, one many of us feel underestimates the state of the nation. However, I also read that “Ireland remains the second richest country in the 27-member EU last year”.

Politicians in particular have been telling us that we are an ageing population and that, consequently, we are living in the shadow of a prospective pensions timebomb. But your newspaper informs us that, according to the Central Statistics Office, “the State has the highest proportion of young people in the EU and the lowest proportion of older people”. We also have the highest fertility rate – 2 per cent compared with an average EU rate of 1.2 per cent. I find myself unable to reconcile all these apparent contradictions. Perhaps it has something to do with the “new maths”.

It was Disraeli who said “There are lies, damned lies and statistics”, but I feel greater empathy with the Monty Python character, Mr Gumby, whose catchphrase was “My brain hurts!”. Indeed it does! – Yours, etc,



Shankill, Co Dublin.