Abortion statistics

Sir, – I am the abortion rights campaigner whose comment Breda O'Brien referred to as "grotesque" in her column (Opinion & Analysis, July 4th). For me, and for those who campaigned to repeal the Eighth Amendment, every person who is able to access abortion care in Ireland, rather than being forced to travel or use illegal medication, is indeed a small victory. What is grotesque is that 375 people were failed by our system in 2019, and had to seek the help they needed in a neighbouring jurisdiction. The Irish electorate voted to provide compassionate care at home, not to continue exporting the most difficult or inconvenient of cases. Our new system has helped many (whose reasons for seeking abortion are, frankly, none of your columnist's concern) but also failed many. We must do better. – Yours, etc,


Dromahair, Co Leitrim.