Advertising To Children

Sir, - May I through your columns congratulate Mr Brian O'Shea TD, on his call for an outright ban on TV advertising directed…

Sir, - May I through your columns congratulate Mr Brian O'Shea TD, on his call for an outright ban on TV advertising directed at children.

It is a matter of great satisfaction to me that after 30 years as a private citizen and four years on the RTE Authority, all the time vainly urging action on this matter, I finally see a member of the Dail taking the matter seriously.

This has never been a vote-catching issue. My only regret is that now I must modify my general opinion of politicians. They cannot all be subject to the brown envelope imperative.

Thank you, Mr O'Shea. - Yours, etc., Bob Quinn,


Tuairin, Beal an Daingin, Co Galway.