AIB Bogus Accounts

Sir, - Your coverage of the AIB tax controversy has been excellent

Sir, - Your coverage of the AIB tax controversy has been excellent. During an RTE radio interview at lunchtime on Sunday, the Minister for Finance said he had always regarded tax evasion as the equivalent of theft. I agree with this view because clearly those who pay their full taxes are subsidising the tax evaders. Also, the tax which has been evaded reduces the revenue available for hospitals, pensions, schools and other vital services. Clearly tax evasion is not a victimless crime.

Since this is a moral issue I would be interested to know if the Archbishop, Dr Desmond Connell, would regard tax evasion as a sin against the commandment: "Thou shalt not steal." In the past in your paper Dr Connell has emphasised the importance he attaches to giving pastoral direction on moral issues, even when his views are unpopular. I am unaware of any pastoral guidance by the Archbishop on this subject; this is possibly due to lack of publicity for his statements.

Perhaps through The Irish Times Dr Connell could be given the opportunity to outline the Catholic Church's teaching, if any, on tax evasion. - Yours, etc., Joseph Marron,



Dublin 6.