An atrocity in Orlando

Sir, – The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Ireland categorically condemns the horrific attack in Orlando.

This is a tragic loss of human life. The Quran teaches us to save lives, not take them away. Reverence for all human life is the essence of Islamic teaching. This is a time for prayers and efforts to stop such senseless violence in the world.

We pray for the speedy recovery of the injured and offer our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims. – Yours, etc,






Ahmadiyya Muslim


Galway Mosque.

Sir, – Homophobia spans a wide spectrum. Sunday morning’s attack in Orlando is on the extreme end of that spectrum and the worst homophobic atrocity that people my age have ever witnessed.

This killer’s target was clear – gay men and gay women. How this man was able to access weaponry is a parallel debate to this.

Gay men and women and our friends and family around the globe are together grieving the loss of life and considering the reality that any of us could have been his target just because we’re gay. Just because we are who we are.

Homophobes come in all shapes and sizes, religious and non-religious, familiar and non-familiar. When we hear homophobic comments or see homophobic actions then we all have a duty, gay and straight, to speak out and challenge them. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.

Sir, – Your front-page report on the massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando by gunman Omar Seddique Mateen had a noteworthy quote from his father (June 13th). Mir Mateen told NBC News that his son "became enraged when he saw two men kissing in front of his wife and son (3) on a recent trip to Bayside, in Miami". He added that "this had nothing to do with religion".

This is very difficult to believe. The question that must be asked is where Omar Mateen acquired such a negative attitude toward same-sex relationships? He was once an innocent child. Who or what corrupted him? To suggest that his religion, Islam, had nothing to do with it is naive.

But we need to look at all religions and what they are teaching about same-sex relationships. In particular, we need to keep an eye on what our children are being exposed to in our schools. This is where the damage begins. – Yours, etc,



Co Kerry.