An Unhealthy State

Sir, - The attention given by The Irish Times to the health service in Ireland, as presented by Maev Ann Wren in her five-part…

Sir, - The attention given by The Irish Times to the health service in Ireland, as presented by Maev Ann Wren in her five-part series, is both welcome and overdue.

Analysis of - and debate about - our health service tends to be relegated, while the many crises in healthcare make the front pages.

On behalf of the Labour Party I launched our discussion document, "Curing Our Ills", to set out new and radical ideas on health reform. Equality and excellence, in our view, are the fundamentals that must form the basis of our health service.

But we are conscious that thoughtful debate, particularly with those who receive healthcare as well as who deliver it, is vital if any reform is to be successful.


The series, "An Unhealthy State", is a valuable contribution to public debate on the future of our health service. Congratulations. - Your, etc.,

Liz McManus, TD, Labour Party Spokesperson on Health, Dail Eireann, Baile Atha Cliath 2.