ASTI Pay Claim

Sir, - As someone who is fed up listening to the constant whining from teachers that their pay has not kept pace with that of…

Sir, - As someone who is fed up listening to the constant whining from teachers that their pay has not kept pace with that of other graduates, I would like to remind them that:

Other graduates have for decades had to leave this island to find work.

Other graduates cannot claim "productivity" allowances every time they adopt new work processes, develop new skills and upgrade equipment.

Other graduates can be - and are often are - made redundant when employment patterns change.


Other graduates do not enjoy teachers' extended holidays.

Other graduates are consistently subject to individual performance targets.

Other graduates cannot clock off at a pre-defined time. They have customers who demand more.

Other graduates are under constant pressure to improve or get left behind. Many give up their evenings to study part time just to keep up

Contrast this with the life of a secondary teacher.

If secondary teachers are doing such a great job on productivity, why are more pupils than ever seeking the services of independent grind colleges? - Yours, etc.,

Paul Lanigan, Clonkeen, Ratoath, Co Meath.