Au pairs and wage ruling

Sir, – The solution for those host families nervous about the change in circumstances regarding au pairs is actually quite simple ("Wage ruling could end au pair tradition, agencies warn", March 10th).

Rather than providing room and board as part of the employment agreement, charge the au pair rent. Offset this income against the wage, tax and accountancy costs of establishing your au pair as an official “employee”, leaving the difference to be the amount of pocket money agreed between you and your au pair.

The rent-a-room relief scheme allows families to rent out a room in their house for up to €12,000 per annum tax free. Provided the room is not a self-contained dwelling, you are not covered by landlord and tenant legislation so the rights and obligations under that legislation do not apply. You do not have to register as a landlord with the Private Residential Tenancies Board, provide a rent book to the tenant or ensure that the accommodation provided meets any minimum standards.

That should satisfy the busybodies in officialdom and leave both host families and au pairs free to continue as they have always done. – Yours, etc,



Phibsboro, Dublin 7.