Automated banking

Sir, – Recently I telephoned my bank to find our current balance on my savings account. I am old and have been unwell on and off for over two years. For these reasons I am unable to call in person without considerable difficulty and risk to my health. I answered all the usual security questions asked of me and expected a simple answer. Not so. It seems I could be suspected of trying to impersonate myself!

I was asked what balance was in my most recent statement. I gave all details. That statement was dated 2014. I was told then that was far too old a statement for me to be given information on my current balance, on what after all is my account. A more up-to-date statement is required. That is impossible, as I don’t have a more up-to-date one. How can I read a piece of paper that has never been sent to me in the first place? Yet another example of a bank going round in circles. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.