Banning Opinion Polls

Sir, - As a teacher who has devised his own political studies module, involving as it does the taking of opinion polls, may I…

Sir, - As a teacher who has devised his own political studies module, involving as it does the taking of opinion polls, may I suggest that the political establishment has just scored a monumental own goal?

In recent years my transition year class has conducted and published opinion polls on the presidential and local elections as well as on voter attitudes to Europe. Such activity, involving as it does door-to-door canvassing, has resulted in a number of former students getting involved in political parties and others choosing to study politics at third level. Whatever the outcome, all students get a practical insight into the workings of our political system.

The new legislation on opinion polling will curtail my classroom activities and will, I suggest, serve to dampen political debate and interest among today's youth. One wonders if all this talk about youthful apathy is just empty rhetoric from our politicians? - Yours, etc.,

Sean Higgins,(Former President, ASTI), Westway, Beabeg, Drogheda.