Benefits of the smoking ban

Madam, - My wife and I recently returned from a nine-day tour in Ireland

Madam, - My wife and I recently returned from a nine-day tour in Ireland. The trip was wonderful and we look forward to returning in about a year.

Since we both have afflictions affected by tobacco smoke we were very thankful for your new law that prohibits smoking in all public places including restaurants and pubs.

During our tour we visited at least one pub each evening and ate three meals a day, but we did not encounter a single violation of the no-smoking law, even at the weekend when we hit several pubs.

It was wonderful to be able to enjoy the fine Irish food, music, hospitality and culture without the fear of some smoker lighting up and destroying the events.


The pubs were alive with entertainment and with people having a grand time - so that destroys the tobacco industry myth that smoking prohibitions do not work.

To Ireland I say a hearty "Well done!" It is time for Maryland, the state in which I live, to do the same thing. - Yours, etc.,


