Big Brother and colour-coded bins

Sir, – Reading "Waste firms to provide details of houses that do not pay bin charges" (July 22nd) could lead one to believe that Big Brother is alive and well in our austerity-ridden country. Not only do we have to pay an extra charge to have the bin lifted, we also have to sort our rubbish into green, grey, and brown and black bins for a private waste company to dispose of.

No one would like to live beside a rubbish tip, but the Department of the Environment seems to believe that we all should have a rubbish tip permanently in our garden, and working at full capacity in the separation of waste.

Big Brother will be inspecting the grey bin for matter that ought be in the brown bin, and woe unto him that would defile the green bin with non-recyclable matter. One would need a degree in environmental management now to dispose of waste properly. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.