Bin charges and paying by weight

Sir, – I have three wheelie bins into which I throw recyclables (green), food (blue) and landfill waste (purple). Under the new “pay as you throw” pricing structure with my current collectors, Greenstar, I’m already €38 a year worse off even before I “throw” a single kilo of anything! Where’s the incentive to recycle in that?

At first glance it reeks of yet another measure to benefit private businesses while the lower middle class and the low-paid generally struggle under a cost of living crisis. There’s a disturbing trend to levy more and more charges and taxes that take no account of the scale of income inequality in Ireland. It is socially regressive. This latest measure is yet more bad law on foot of stupid European Union regulations dressed up as “climate action”.

And the Taoiseach wonders why our next-door neighbours want their country back. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 18.