Bombing Of Yugoslavia

Sir, - As your correspondent Elaine Lafferty reports (The Irish Times, March 25th), the world is no longer interested in Kosovo…

Sir, - As your correspondent Elaine Lafferty reports (The Irish Times, March 25th), the world is no longer interested in Kosovo. Yet, a year after the start of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, it is time to reassess the results of that unprecedented international aggression action against a sovereign state.

Kosovo is rid of Serb repression. Good. However, it is in chaos, apparently ruled by drug gangs and criminal warlords. The civil infrastructure has broken down, old Serb men and women are being hacked to death for being, well, Serb, hundreds of thousands of Serb refugees are wandering the Balkans, KLA terrorists are now infiltrating Serbia proper, the Yugoslav economy has collapsed under severe sanctions, the Danube waterway is blocked (causing great hardship to adjoining countries such as Romania and Hungary), Christian Orthodox monasteries are being bulldozed in Kosovo, Yugoslav children are the most endangered in Europe (from uranium depleted bombs courtesy of NATO). And, oh yes, Mr Milosevic is still in power.

It is worth also remembering that at least 500 innocent civilians were killed by NATO bombs in order to achieve these great results. - Yours, etc., Donal O'Dowd,

Fr Matthew Quay, Cork.