Bored by Ulysses

Madam, - I agree with Brian Francis's nomination of Ulysses as the second most boring book ever written (June 19th)

Madam, - I agree with Brian Francis's nomination of Ulysses as the second most boring book ever written (June 19th). However, I would have to put Castle Rackrent at the top of the list. Thankfully it is briefer than Ulysses or Moby Dick (also high on my list). But surely it defies the axiom that "brevity is the soul of wit"? - Yours, etc.,

MAUREEN MELEADY, Dunseverick Road, Clontarf, Dublin,3.

Madam, - Brian Francis's letter brings to mind a remark attributed to Dylan Thomas: "Someone is boring me - I think it's me". Readers get from a book what they take to it. Perhaps Mr Francis should ponder that awhile and adjust his life accordingly. - Yours, etc.,

JEANETTE F. DUGAN HUBER, Scilly, Kinsale, Co Cork.