Bullying and boundaries

Madam, – We now realise from a recent BBC1 Panorama programme that children’s bullying has taken on the new dimension of bullying…

Madam, – We now realise from a recent BBC1 Panorama programme that children’s bullying has taken on the new dimension of bullying by sexual innuendo, physical touching and text-messaging.

Obviously boundaries are essential and firm punishment required when these are breached.

Adults have been replacing objective boundaries with subjective variable decisions. These are not reliable. No one can say that anyone else is “wrong” when we adopt the subjective moral route.

Children mirror adult attitudes and behaviour whether these are lived out by parents, “celebs”, reality shows or even on soap operas. So don’t expect changes in children’s behaviour until we re-discover and implement objective moral and ethical norms and the appropriate punishment for breaching these. – Yours, etc,


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Dublin 14.